In these workshops children are guided to discover how they can help to
look after their enviroment. They learn about the secret life of wildlife
around them and how to be a responsible young gardener.
These workshops are planned activities for under 5's and can be adapted for a 7-11 range of age.
Repot your first plant.
Discover the gardener's prickly friend.
Helping the stag beetle to survive.
Bee a bumblebee!
These workshops are planned activities for under 5's and can be adapted for a 7-11 range of age.
If you are
intersted in hosting or organising any of these workshops at home or other venues, please get in touch.
Repot your first plant.
Discover the gardener's prickly friend.
Helping the stag beetle to survive.
Bee a bumblebee!
They get their hands on repoting a plant and learning how to look after it.
And as they are becoming
young gardeners they can also find out about the gardener’s best friend, what can we do to help each other? who do
you think it is? It’s a prickly answer…
Photo provided by PTES |
Who likes stag beetles?,
a short lesson about their lives and about how we can help them to survive as
responsible gardeners.
Photo provided by PTES |